API Reference

The Recharge API is primarily a REST API with some RPC endpoints to support common operations. It has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and methods.

Related guides: Generate API tokens, Using the API

API and Platforms compatibility

Recharge offers hosted solutions and integrates with various ecommerce platforms to process recurring transactions with the setup of your choice. In order to be compatible with those platforms some of our API resources and endpoints may be limited in use to a subset of platforms. When that is the case we will flag with the help of tags the checkout/platform association for which that feature is compatible.
When there is no restriction of compatibility no tags will appear.
Below is a legend of the tags you may come across:

Tag Checkout solution Ecommerce platform
BigCommerce Recharge hosted BigCommerce
Custom Recharge hosted or API-first Custom
RCS Recharge hosted Shopify
SCI Shopify hosted Shopify

You may also come across other tags specifying regional restrictions (e.g. USA Only) or new releases (e.g. Alpha, Beta).

Intro image
Base URL


Recharge uses API keys to authenticate requests.

Each request to the API should contain an API token in the following header:


Replace store_api_token with your API key.

All requests must be made over HTTPS.

API Token Scopes

Scopes can be set up from the API token edit page in Recharge to control the level of access of an API token.

The API currently supports the scopes below:

Write Read
write_batches read_batches
write_customers read_customers
write_discounts read_discounts
write_orders read_orders
write_payment_methods read_payment_methods
write_products read_products
write_subscriptions read_subscriptions
curl -i -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token'


All requests will use your account API settings, unless you send a X-Recharge-Version header to specify the version.
You can use the same token to make calls to all versions. When no version is specified it will default to the default version on your store.

Existing API Versions Release notes
2021-11 2021-11 release notes


Recharge uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided ( e.g. a required parameter was omitted, a charge failed, etc ), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Recharge’s servers.

200 - OK: Everything worked as expected.
201 - OK: The request was successful, created a new resource, and resource created is in the body.
202 - OK: The request has been accepted and is in processing.
204 - OK: The server has successfully fulfilled the request and there is no content to send in the response body.
400 - Bad Request: The request was unacceptable, often due to a missing required parameter.
401 - Unauthorized: No valid API key was provided.
402 - Request Failed: The parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 - The request was authenticated but not authorized for the requested resource (permission scope error).
403 - Uninstalled Store.
404 - Not Found: The requested resource doesn’t exist.
405 - Method Not Allowed: The method is not allowed for this URI.
406 - The request was unacceptable, or requesting a data source which is not allowed although permissions permit the request.
409 - Conflict: You will get this error when you try to send two requests to edit an address or any of its child objects at the same time, in order to avoid out of date information being returned.
415 - The request body was not a JSON object.
422 - The request was understood but cannot be processed due to invalid or missing supplemental information.
426 - The request was made using an invalid API version.
429 - The request has been rate limited.
500 - Internal server error.
501 - The resource requested has not been implemented in the current version but may be implemented in the future.
503 - A 3rd party service on which the request depends has timed out.

Extending responses

Our API endpoints and webhooks allow developers to extend responses with additional data in order to optimize calls, allowing for simpler and more efficient implementations.

The API supports including additional objects when using a GET request to retrieve a list or a GET request to retrieve a record by a specific id. This is achieved by using an include query parameter in the request URL. The include value contains the object or objects you want to include in the response of your request. On routes where multiple includes are available, you are able to pass multiple values separated by a comma (include=customer,metafields). The below table defines available include values for commonly used resources of the API.

Webhooks support included_objects on the topics listed below. Webhook included_objects accepts an array of supported values ("included_objects": [ "customer", "metafields"]). Specifying included_objects will return an enriched payload, containing the original resource and the associated included objects.

When including charge_activities in API calls or webhooks, note that only the last 90 days of activities will be included in the response.

Resource Endpoints Webhook topics Supported include values Supported included_objects values
Addresses GET /addresses
GET /addresses/{id}
Charges GET /charges
GET /charges/{id}
charge_activities (beta)
Customers GET /customers
GET /customers/{id}
Orders GET /orders
GET /orders/{id}
Payment Methods GET /payment_methods
GET /payment_methods/{id}
addresses addresses
Subscriptions GET /subscriptions
GET /subscriptions/{id}

Cursor Pagination

By default, calls for a list of objects will return 50 results. Using the limit parameter, that can be increased to 250 results per response.

When there are more results than the current limit a cursor may be used to request additional results.

The next_cursor and previous_cursor attributes are are included in all list responses.

To request the next set of results, find the next_cursor in the list response and include it in the url with the cursor parameter e.g. GET https://api.rechargeapps.com/subscriptions?limit=250&cursor=<next_cursor>

To request the previous set of results, find the previous_cursor in the list response and include it in the url with the cursor parameter e.g. GET https://api.rechargeapps.com/subscriptions?limit=250&cursor=<previous_cursor>

Retrieving total number of records

Starting with the 2021-11 version of the API, you will not be able to retrieve a count of total records for a given GET request. If you are building a UI page that allows end users to paginate through result sets (such as paginating through a list of orders or subscriptions), we recommend that your pagination implementation allow users to go to the next and previous page of results (as opposed to allowing users to jump to specific page in the results). This aligns well with the previous_cursor and the next_cursor fields included in all list responses.

Example Request

response=$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}"\ 
    -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
    -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \    -X GET $URL)

content=$(sed '$ d' <<< "$response") # get all but the last line which contains the status code

# Display results
echo $content | jq "."

# parse next url
echo "Next URL"
next_cursor=$(jq ".next_cursor" <<< "${content}")

# Notice next_cursor value is passed as page_info query param
echo "$URL&page_info=$next_cursor"


The API supports sorting of results when using a GET request to retrieve a list. Sorting is achieved using a sort_by query parameter in the request URL. The sort_by value contains the parameter and sort direction for your results (ascending or descending), and available sort_by values vary between resources. The below table defines available sort_by options for commonly used resources.

Resource Supported sort_by_values
Address Default: id-desc
Options: id-asc id-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc
Async Batch Default: id-desc
Options: id-asc id-desc created_at-asc created_at-desc
Charge Default: id-asc
Options: id-asc id-desc created_at-asc created_at-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc scheduled_at-asc scheduled_at-desc
Customer Default: id-desc
Options: id-asc id-desc created_at-asc created_at-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc
Discount Default: id-desc
Options: id-asc id-desc created_at-asc created_at-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc
Metafield Default: id-desc
Options:id-asc id-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc
Onetime Default: id-desc
Options: id-asc id-desc created_at-asc created_at-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc
Order Default: id-desc
Options: id-asc id-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc processed_at-asc processed_at-desc scheduled_at-asc scheduled_at-desc
Plan Default: id-desc
Options:id-asc id-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc
Subscription Default: id-desc
Options: id-asc id-desc created_at-asc created_at-desc updated_at-asc updated_at-desc
Webhook Default: id-desc
Options: id-asc id-desc


An Addresses record represents a shipping address. Each customer can have multiple addresses. Subscriptions are a child object of an address.


Bundle Selections

Pro plan

A bundle selection represents the contents within a Bundle linked to an individual Subscription. It can represent the selection for upcoming orders or past orders. A BundleSelection is associated with a corresponding Subscription and a BundleVariant (the BundleVariant is used to validate contents in the selection). When a new order for the associated Subscription occurs, it will extract the current contents of the BundleSelection for the Bundle item in the order.



A charge is the representation of a financial transaction linked to the purchase of an item (past or future). It can be a transaction that was processed already or the representation of an upcoming transaction. A Charge is linked to its corresponding Orders (one Order for pay as you go subscriptions and several for pre-paid). Orders are created once the corresponding Charge is successful. After successful payment, the first Order will be immediately submitted to the external platform if applicable (e.g. Shopify, BigCommerce).


The charge object

A Charge is the representation of the financial transaction linked to a purchase (past or future). It can be a transaction that was processed already or the representation of an upcoming transaction. A charge is linked to its corresponding Orders (one for pay as you go subscriptions and several for pre-paid).
A Charge can have many parent subscriptions. All subscriptions on a given Address with the same next_charge_date date will be merged into one Charge and that charge will contain one line_item per Subscription.

  • id

    The unique numeric identifier for the Charge.

  • address_id

    The ID of the shipping Address tied to the Charge.

  • analytics_data

    An object containing analytics data associated with the Charge.

  • billing_address

    All the billing information related to the charge.

  • client_details

    Details of the access method used by the purchaser.

  • created_at

    The date and time when the transaction was created.

  • currency

    The code of the currency for this Charge, such as USD.

    Related guides: Supported currencies

  • customer

    An object containing Customer information associated with this Charge.

  • discounts

    An array of Discounts associated with the Charge.

  • external_order_id

    An object containing the associated external order ID.

  • external_transaction_id

    An object containing the associated external transaction ID.

  • line_items

    A list of line_item objects, each containing information about a distinct purchase item.

  • note

    Notes associated with the Charge.

  • order_attributes

    An array of name-value pairs of order attributes on the Charge.

  • orders_count

    The number of Orders generated from this Charge (>1 for prepaid Subscriptions).

  • payment_processor

    The payment processor used for this Charge.

  • processed_at

    The date and time when the transaction was processed.

  • scheduled_at

    The date time of when the Charge is/was scheduled to process.

  • shipping_address

    The shipping Address of the Charge.

  • shipping_lines

    An array of shipping lines associated with the Charge.

  • status

    Possible values:   success,   error,   queued,   skipped,   refunded,   partially_refunded,   pending_manual_payment,   pending

    The status of the Charge.

  • subtotal_price

    The combined price of all line_items without taxes and shipping.

  • tags

    A comma-separated list of tags on the Charge.

  • tax_lines

    An array of tax lines that apply to the Charge.

  • taxable

    A boolean indicator of the taxability of the Charge.

  • taxes_included

    Whether taxes are included in the order subtotal.

  • total_discounts

    The sum of the Discounts applied to the Charge.

  • total_line_items_price

    The total price of all line items of the Charge.

  • total_price

    The sum of all the prices of all the items in the Charge, taxes and discounts included (must be positive).

  • total_refunds

    The sum of all refunds that were applied to the Charge.

  • total_tax

    The total tax due associated with the Charge.

  • total_weight_grams

    The total weight of the Charge’s line items in grams.

  • type

    Possible values:   checkout,   recurring

    An indicator of the Charge’s type, either checkout or recurring.

  • updated_at

    The date time at which the Charge was most recently updated.

Error related attributes
  • error

    Error reason as sentence text (typically returned direct from the payment processor). e.g. "error": "Customer needs to update credit card"

  • error_type

    Structured reason why the charge failed such as CUSTOMER_NEEDS_TO_UPDATE_CARD.

  • charge_attempts

    Shows how many times an attempt to charge was placed.

  • external_variant_id_not_found

    Indicates if Recharge was able to find the external_variant_id from the Charge.

  • retry_date

    The date when the next attempt will be placed.

More Attributes
  • has_uncommited_changes

    Specifies whether the Charge is scheduled for a regeneration (if the Subscription related to the charge was updated in the last 5 seconds using commit=false).

The charge object
  "charge": {
    "id": 100714428,
    "address_id": 21317826,
    "analytics_data": {
      "utm_params": [
          "utm_campaign": "spring_sale",
          "utm_content": "differentiate-content",
          "utm_data_source": "cookie",
          "utm_medium": "email",
          "utm_source": "newsletter",
          "utm_term": "test-term",
          "utm_time_stamp": "2019-12-16T23:57:28.752Z"
    "billing_address": {
      "address1": "3030 Nebraska Avenue",
      "address2": null,
      "city": "Los Angeles",
      "company": null,
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Mike",
      "last_name": "Flynn",
      "phone": "3103843698",
      "province": "California",
      "zip": "90404"
    "client_details": {
      "browser_ip": "",
      "user_agent": "safari webkit"
    "created_at": "2018-11-14T09:45:44+00:00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
      "id": 12345,
      "email": "test@test.com",
      "external_customer_id": {
        "ecommerce": "2879413682227"
      "hash": "7e706455cbd13e40"
    "discounts": [
        "id": 12345,
        "code": "10DOLLAROFF",
        "value": 10,
        "value_type": "fixed_amount"
    "error": null,
    "error_type": null,
    "external_order_id": {
      "ecommerce": "2541635698739"
    "external_transaction_id": {
      "payment_processor": "ch_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
    "has_uncommitted_changes": false,
    "line_items": [
        "purchase_item_id": 63898947,
        "external_product_id": {
          "ecommerce": "4381728735283"
        "external_variant_id": {
          "ecommerce": "99999999999"
        "grams": 4536,
        "images": {
          "large": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0175/0695/9460/products/Sumatra_Coffee_large.png",
          "medium": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0175/0695/9460/products/Sumatra_Coffee__medium.png",
          "original": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0175/0695/9460/products/Sumatra_Coffee_.png",
          "small": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0175/0695/9460/products/Sumatra_Coffee__small.png"
        "original_price": "12.00",
        "properties": [
            "name": "grind",
            "value": "drip"
        "purchase_item_type": "subscription",
        "quantity": 1,
        "sku": "MILK-1",
        "tax_due": "1.14",
        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.870",
            "rate": 0.0725,
            "title": "CA State Tax"
            "price": "0.270",
            "rate": 0.0225,
            "title": "Los Angeles County Tax"
        "taxable": true,
        "taxable_amount": "12.00",
        "title": "Sumatra Coffee",
        "total_price": "13.14",
        "unit_price": "12.00",
        "variant_title": "Milk - a / b"
    "note": "next order #1",
    "order_attributes": [
        "name": "custom name",
        "value": "custom value"
    "processor_name": "stripe",
    "scheduled_at": "2018-12-12",
    "shipping_address": {
      "address1": "3030 Nebraska Avenue",
      "address2": "",
      "city": "Los Angeles",
      "company": "Recharge",
      "country": "United States",
      "first_name": "Mike",
      "last_name": "Flynn",
      "phone": "3103843698",
      "province": "California",
      "zip": "90404"
    "shipping_lines": [
        "code": "Standard Shipping",
        "price": "0.00",
        "title": "Standard Shipping"
    "status": "queued",
    "subtotal_price": "12.00",
    "tags": "Subscription",
    "tax_lines": [
        "price": "0.950",
        "rate": 0.0725,
        "title": "CA State Tax"
        "price": "0.335",
        "rate": 0.0225,
        "title": "Los Angeles County Tax"
    "taxes_included": true,
    "total_discounts": "0.00",
    "total_line_items_price": "12.00",
    "total_price": "13.14",
    "total_refunds": null,
    "total_tax": "1.14",
    "total_weight_grams": 4536,
    "type": "recurring",
    "updated_at": "2018-11-14T09:45:44+00:00"

Retrieve a charge

Retrieve a Charge using the charge_id.

Starting March 19th, 2025, processed charges (those where status equals success, refunded, or partially-refunded) that have a value for processed_at greater than 90 days in the past will no longer appear in responses. As a result, you may receive an error.

Charge data processed over 90 days ago will remain available through the Exports tool in the Recharge merchant portal and within the Merchant portal UI.

Example of unaffected API calls:
[RETRIEVE A CHARGE] /charges/{id} (if it’s a charge that does not have a processed_at date or the processed_at date is within the last 90 days)

Example of API calls that will result in an error:
[RETRIEVE A CHARGE] /charges/{id} (if it’s a charge with a processed_at date older than 90 days)

Scopes: read_orders
  • 200

    successful response

curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges/377749210' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token'
  "charge": {
    "id": 377749210,
    "address_id": 42171447,
    "analytics_data": {
      "utm_params": [
          "utm_source": "facebook",
          "utm_medium": "cpc"
    "billing_address": {
      "address1": "601 SW Washing St.",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
      "city": "Portland",
      "company": "Acme Corp",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Jane",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "phone": "888-888-8888",
      "province": "Oregon",
      "zip": "97205"
    "client_details": {
      "browser_ip": "",
      "user_agent": "safari webkit"
    "created_at": "2021-11-09T19:22:13+00:00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
      "id": 37657002,
      "email": "test@test.com",
      "external_customer_id": {
        "ecommerce": "2879413682227"
      "hash": "7e706455cbd13e40"
    "discounts": [
        "id": 12345,
        "code": "TESTCODE10",
        "value": 10,
        "value_type": "fixed_amount"
    "error": null,
    "error_type": null,
    "external_order_id": {
      "ecommerce": "2541635698739"
    "external_transaction_id": {
      "payment_processor": "ch_1HzWElJ2zqHvZRd1TWKFFqDR"
    "has_uncommitted_changes": false,
    "line_items": [
        "purchase_item_id": 63898947,
        "external_product_id": {
          "ecommerce": "4381728735283"
        "external_variant_id": {
          "ecommerce": "999999999999"
        "grams": 454,
        "handle": "shirt-package",
        "images": {
          "large": "https://example-cdn.com/s/files/1/0257/0351/4163/products/il_570xN.1723312095_a43h_large.jpg",
          "medium": "https://example-cdn.com/s/files/1/0257/0351/4163/products/il_570xN.1723312095_a43h_medium.jpg",
          "original": "https://example-cdn.com/s/files/1/0257/0351/4163/products/il_570xN.1723312095_a43h.jpg",
          "small": "https://example-cdn.com/s/files/1/0257/0351/4163/products/il_570xN.1723312095_a43h_small.jpg"
        "original_price": "10.00",
        "properties": [
            "name": "Color",
            "value": "Blue"
        "purchase_item_type": "subscription",
        "quantity": 1,
        "sku": "TOM0001",
        "tax_due": "1.30",
        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.9931",
            "rate": "0.0725",
            "title": "CA State Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.3310"
            "price": "0.3082",
            "rate": "0.0225",
            "title": "LA County Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.1027"
        "taxable": true,
        "taxable_amount": "10.00",
        "title": "Shirt package",
        "total_price": "11.30",
        "unit_price": "10.00",
        "unit_price_includes_tax": false,
        "variant_title": "Blue T-shirt"
    "note": "next order in sequence 3",
    "order_attributes": [
        "name": "Checkout-Method",
        "value": "delivery"
    "orders_count": 1,
    "payment_processor": "stripe",
    "processed_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:31+00:00",
    "retry_date": "2021-01-01",
    "scheduled_at": "2021-12-09",
    "shipping_address": {
      "address1": "1030 Barnum Ave",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
      "city": "Stratford",
      "company": "Fake Company",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Fake First",
      "last_name": "Fake Last",
      "phone": "999-999-9999",
      "province": "Connecticut",
      "zip": "06614"
    "shipping_lines": [
        "code": "Standard",
        "price": "4.90",
        "source": "shopify",
        "taxable": true,
        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.355",
            "rate": 0.0725,
            "title": "CA State Tax"
            "price": "0.110",
            "rate": 0.0225,
            "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
        "title": "Standard"
    "status": "success",
    "subtotal_price": "10.00",
    "tags": "Subscription, Subscription Recurring Order",
    "tax_lines": [
        "price": "0.950",
        "rate": 0.0725,
        "title": "CA State Tax"
        "price": "0.335",
        "rate": 0.0225,
        "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
    "taxable": true,
    "taxes_included": true,
    "total_discounts": "10.0",
    "total_line_items_price": "10.00",
    "total_price": "11.29",
    "total_refunds": "0.00",
    "total_tax": "1.29",
    "total_weight_grams": 454,
    "type": "recurring",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"

List charges

Returns a list of Charges.

HTTP request examples

GET /charges?address_id=:address_id

GET /charges?created_at_min=2016-05-18&created_at_max=2016-06-18

GET /charges?customer_id=:customer_id

GET /charges?discount_code=10PERCENTOFF

GET /charges?discount_id=:discount_id

GET /charges?external_order_id=:external_order_id

GET /charges?ids=1123551,262667345,12341535

GET /charges?purchase_item_id=:purchase_item_id

GET /charges?scheduled_at=2016-06-18

GET /charges?scheduled_at_min=2016-05-18&scheduled_at_max=2016-06-18

GET /charges?sort_by=id-desc

GET /charges?status=queued

GET /charges?status=queued,refunded,partially_refunded

GET /charges?updated_at_min=2016-05-18&updated_at_max=2016-06-18

GET /charges?processed_at_min=2022-01-18&processed_at_max=2022-02-18

Starting March 19th, 2025, processed charges (those where status equals success, refunded, or partially- refunded) that have a value for processed_at greater than 90 days in the past will no longer appear in responses. As a result, you may receive a partial data set or an empty list.

Charge data processed over 90 days ago will remain available through the Exports tool in the Recharge merchant portal and within the Merchant portal UI.

Examples of unaffected API calls:
[LIST CHARGES] /charges?status=queued
[LIST CHARGES] /charges?status=error

Examples of API calls that may return partial results:
[LIST CHARGES] /charges?processed_at_min=2024-01-01 (this would only return results that have a processed_at date in the last 90 days)
[LIST CHARGES] /charges?status=success,queued (this would return all queued charges but only return success charges that have a processed_at date in the last 90 days)

Example of API calls that will result in an empty list:
[LIST CHARGES] /charges?processed_at_max=2024-01-01 (any date over 90 days old)

Reminder: returned charges are sorted ascending by id value by default.

Scopes: read_orders
Query Parameters
  • address_id

    Filter Charges by Address.

  • created_at_max

    Show Charges created before the given date.

  • created_at_min

    Show Charges created after the given date.

  • customer_id

    Filter Charges by Customer.

  • discount_code

    List Charges that contain the given discount_code.

  • discount_id

    List Charges that contain the given discount_id.

  • external_order_id

    Filter Charges by the associated order ID in the external e-commerce platform.

  • ids

    Filter Charges by ID.

    If passing multiple values, must be comma separated. Non-integer values will result in a 422 error.

  • limit

    Default: 50

    Max: 250

    The amount of results.

  • page

    Default: 1

    The page to show.

    Page-based pagination has been deprecated but still available to use for pages up to a 100. If you need data past this point, use cursor pagination.

  • purchase_item_id

    Filter Charges by a Subscription or Onetime ID.

  • purchase_item_ids

    Filter Charges by a comma-separated list of Subscription or Onetime IDs.

  • scheduled_at

    Filter Charges by specific scheduled charge date.

  • scheduled_at_max

    Show Charges scheduled to be processed before the given date.

  • scheduled_at_min

    Show Charges scheduled to be processed after the given date.

  • sort_by

    Sort listed Charges in a specific order.
    Available sort options: id-asc, id-desc, updated_at-asc, updated_at-desc, scheduled_at-asc, scheduled_at-desc.

  • status

    Filter charges by status.
    Available status: success, queued, error, refunded, partially_refunded, skipped, pending_manual_payment, pending.

  • updated_at_max

    Show charges updated before the given date.

  • updated_at_min

    Show charges updated after the given date.

  • processed_at_min

    Show charges processed after, and including, the given date.

  • processed_at_max

    Show charges processed before, and including, the given date.

  • 200

    successful response

curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
 -d limit=3 -G
  "next": "next_cursor",
  "previous": "previous_cursor",
  "charges": [
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      "billing_address": {
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        "city": "Portland",
        "company": "Acme Corp",
        "country_code": "US",
        "first_name": "Jane",
        "last_name": "Doe",
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      "discounts": [
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              "rate": "0.0725",
              "title": "CA State Tax",
              "unit_price": "0.3310"
              "price": "0.3082",
              "rate": "0.0225",
              "title": "LA County Tax",
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          "unit_price": "10.00",
          "unit_price_includes_tax": false,
          "variant_title": "Blue T-shirt"
      "note": "next order in sequence 3",
      "order_attributes": [
          "name": "Checkout-Method",
          "value": "delivery"
      "orders_count": 1,
      "payment_processor": "stripe",
      "processed_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:31+00:00",
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        "country_code": "US",
        "first_name": "Fake First",
        "last_name": "Fake Last",
        "phone": "999-999-9999",
        "province": "Connecticut",
        "zip": "06614"
      "shipping_lines": [
          "code": "Standard",
          "price": "4.90",
          "source": "shopify",
          "taxable": true,
          "tax_lines": [
              "price": "0.355",
              "rate": 0.0725,
              "title": "CA State Tax"
              "price": "0.110",
              "rate": 0.0225,
              "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
          "title": "Standard"
      "status": "success",
      "subtotal_price": "10.00",
      "tags": "Subscription, Subscription Recurring Order",
      "tax_lines": [
          "price": "0.950",
          "rate": 0.0725,
          "title": "CA State Tax"
          "price": "0.335",
          "rate": 0.0225,
          "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
      "taxable": true,
      "taxes_included": true,
      "total_discounts": "10.0",
      "total_line_items_price": "10.00",
      "total_price": "11.29",
      "total_refunds": "0.00",
      "total_tax": "1.29",
      "total_weight_grams": 454,
      "type": "recurring",
      "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"

Apply a discount

Endpoint for adding Discount to an existing queued Charge.

You cannot add a Discount to an existing queued Charge if the Charge or the associated Address already has one.

You can provide either discount_id or discount_code. If both parameters are passed, the value for discount_id will take precedence.

If a Charge has a Discount and it gets updated, or a regeneration occurs, the Discount will be lost. Regeneration is a process that refreshes the Charge JSON with new data in the case of the Subscription or Address being updated.

Scopes: write_orders
Body Parameters
  • discount_code

    Code of the Discount you want to apply to a Charge.

  • discount_id

    ID of the Discount you want to apply to a Charge.

  • 200

    successful response

curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges/105805051/apply_discount' \ 
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
 -d '{"discount_code": "test"}'
  "charge": {
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    "address_id": 42171447,
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          "utm_medium": "cpc"
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      "address1": "601 SW Washing St.",
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      "city": "Portland",
      "company": "Acme Corp",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Jane",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "phone": "888-888-8888",
      "province": "Oregon",
      "zip": "97205"
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    "discounts": [
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      "ecommerce": "2541635698739"
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            "rate": "0.0725",
            "title": "CA State Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.3310"
            "price": "0.3082",
            "rate": "0.0225",
            "title": "LA County Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.1027"
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        "taxable_amount": "10.00",
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        "total_price": "11.30",
        "unit_price": "10.00",
        "unit_price_includes_tax": false,
        "variant_title": "Blue T-shirt"
    "note": "next order in sequence 3",
    "order_attributes": [
        "name": "Checkout-Method",
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    "processed_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:31+00:00",
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      "address1": "1030 Barnum Ave",
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      "city": "Stratford",
      "company": "Fake Company",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Fake First",
      "last_name": "Fake Last",
      "phone": "999-999-9999",
      "province": "Connecticut",
      "zip": "06614"
    "shipping_lines": [
        "code": "Standard",
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        "source": "shopify",
        "taxable": true,
        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.355",
            "rate": 0.0725,
            "title": "CA State Tax"
            "price": "0.110",
            "rate": 0.0225,
            "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
        "title": "Standard"
    "status": "success",
    "subtotal_price": "10.00",
    "tags": "Subscription, Subscription Recurring Order",
    "tax_lines": [
        "price": "0.950",
        "rate": 0.0725,
        "title": "CA State Tax"
        "price": "0.335",
        "rate": 0.0225,
        "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
    "taxable": true,
    "total_discounts": "10.0",
    "total_line_items_price": "10.00",
    "total_price": "11.29",
    "total_refunds": "0.00",
    "total_tax": "1.29",
    "total_weight_grams": 454,
    "type": "recurring",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"

Remove a discount

Remove a Discount from a Charge without destroying the Discount.

HTTP request examples

POST /charges/<charge_id>/remove_discount/

In most cases the Discount should be removed from the Address. When the Discount is removed from the Address, the Discount is also removed from any future Charges.

If the Discount is on the parent Address, you cannot remove it using charge_id. When removing your Discount, it is preferable to pass the address_id so that the Discount stays removed if the Charge is regenerated. Only pass charge_id in edge cases in which there are two or more Charges on a parent Address and you only want to remove the Discount from one Charge. If you pass both parameters, it will remove the Discount from the Address.

Scopes: write_orders
  • 200

    successful response

curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges/459904607/remove_discount' \ 
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
 -d '{}'
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        "unit_price_includes_tax": false,
        "variant_title": "Blue T-shirt"
    "note": "next order in sequence 3",
    "order_attributes": [
        "name": "Checkout-Method",
        "value": "delivery"
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    "payment_processor": "stripe",
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      "province": "Connecticut",
      "zip": "06614"
    "shipping_lines": [
        "code": "Standard",
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        "source": "shopify",
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        "tax_lines": [
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            "rate": 0.0725,
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            "rate": 0.0225,
            "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
        "title": "Standard"
    "status": "success",
    "subtotal_price": "10.00",
    "tags": "Subscription, Subscription Recurring Order",
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        "title": "CA State Tax"
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        "rate": 0.0225,
        "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
    "taxable": true,
    "total_discounts": "10.0",
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    "total_refunds": "0.00",
    "total_tax": "1.29",
    "total_weight_grams": 454,
    "type": "recurring",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"

Skip a charge

Skip a Charge.

Scopes: write_orders
  • 200

    successful response

curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges/377749210/skip' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \ 
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
 -d '{"purchase_item_ids": [27363808, 27363809]}'
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            "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
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    "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"

Unskip a charge

Unskip a Charge.

Scopes: write_orders
  • 200

    successful response

  • 422


curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges/377749210/unskip' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \ 
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
 -d '{"purchase_item_ids": [27363808]}'
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      "browser_ip": "",
      "user_agent": "safari webkit"
    "created_at": "2021-11-09T19:22:13+00:00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
      "id": 37657002,
      "email": "test@test.com",
      "external_customer_id": {
        "ecommerce": "2879413682227"
      "hash": "7e706455cbd13e40"
    "discounts": [
        "id": 12345,
        "code": "TESTCODE10",
        "value": 10,
        "value_type": "fixed_amount"
    "error": null,
    "error_type": null,
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      "ecommerce": "2541635698739"
    "external_transaction_id": {
      "payment_processor": "ch_1HzWElJ2zqHvZRd1TWKFFqDR"
    "has_uncommitted_changes": false,
    "line_items": [
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          "small": "https://example-cdn.com/s/files/1/0257/0351/4163/products/il_570xN.1723312095_a43h_small.jpg"
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            "value": "Blue"
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        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.9931",
            "rate": "0.0725",
            "title": "CA State Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.3310"
            "price": "0.3082",
            "rate": "0.0225",
            "title": "LA County Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.1027"
        "taxable": true,
        "taxable_amount": "10.00",
        "title": "Shirt package",
        "total_price": "11.30",
        "unit_price": "10.00",
        "unit_price_includes_tax": false,
        "variant_title": "Blue T-shirt"
    "note": "next order in sequence 3",
    "order_attributes": [
        "name": "Checkout-Method",
        "value": "delivery"
    "orders_count": 1,
    "payment_processor": "stripe",
    "processed_at": null,
    "retry_date": null,
    "scheduled_at": "2021-12-09",
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      "address1": "1030 Barnum Ave",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
      "city": "Stratford",
      "company": "Fake Company",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Fake First",
      "last_name": "Fake Last",
      "phone": "999-999-9999",
      "province": "Connecticut",
      "zip": "06614"
    "shipping_lines": [
        "code": "Standard",
        "price": "4.90",
        "source": "shopify",
        "taxable": true,
        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.355",
            "rate": 0.0725,
            "title": "CA State Tax"
            "price": "0.110",
            "rate": 0.0225,
            "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
        "title": "Standard"
    "status": "queued",
    "subtotal_price": "10.00",
    "tags": "Subscription, Subscription Recurring Order",
    "tax_lines": [
        "price": "0.950",
        "rate": 0.0725,
        "title": "CA State Tax"
        "price": "0.335",
        "rate": 0.0225,
        "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
    "taxable": true,
    "total_discounts": "10.0",
    "total_line_items_price": "10.00",
    "total_price": "11.29",
    "total_refunds": "0.00",
    "total_tax": "1.29",
    "total_weight_grams": 454,
    "type": "recurring",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"

Refund a charge

Refund a Charge.

After the POST request, that particular Charge will have status parameter updated to refunded or partially_refunded depending on the value of the amount parameter. If retry is true, error and error_type are required, the Charge will have status parameter updated to error. This means a new transaction would occur if the charge dunning process succeeds again. This functionality is used when the order submission attempt on the remote platform failed after the transaction succeeded.

Scopes: write_orders write_payment_methods
Body Parameters
  • amount
    * Required

    Amount of money that will be refunded. It can be fully or partially refunded.

  • full_refund

    If this parameter has value true, the Charge will be totally refunded.

  • retry

    If this parameter has value true and full_refund has value true, the Charge will be retried. The status on the Charge will be returned as “error”.

  • error

    If the retry parameter has value true, this value is required. Valid values are “insufficient_inventory”.

  • error_type

    If the retry parameter has value true, this value is required.

  • 200

    successful response

curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges/377749210/refund' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \ 
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
 -d '{"amount": 11.00}'
  "charge": {
    "id": 377749210,
    "address_id": 42171447,
    "analytics_data": {
      "utm_params": [
          "utm_source": "facebook",
          "utm_medium": "cpc"
    "billing_address": {
      "address1": "601 SW Washing St.",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
      "city": "Portland",
      "company": "Acme Corp",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Jane",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "phone": "888-888-8888",
      "province": "Oregon",
      "zip": "97205"
    "client_details": {
      "browser_ip": "",
      "user_agent": "safari webkit"
    "created_at": "2021-11-09T19:22:13+00:00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
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      "email": "test@test.com",
      "external_customer_id": {
        "ecommerce": "2879413682227"
      "hash": "7e706455cbd13e40"
    "discounts": [
        "id": 12345,
        "code": "TESTCODE10",
        "value": 10,
        "value_type": "fixed_amount"
    "error": null,
    "error_type": null,
    "external_order_id": {
      "ecommerce": "2541635698739"
    "external_transaction_id": {
      "payment_processor": "ch_1HzWElJ2zqHvZRd1TWKFFqDR"
    "has_uncommitted_changes": false,
    "line_items": [
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          "ecommerce": "4381728735283"
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        "grams": 454,
        "handle": "shirt-package",
        "images": {
          "large": "https://example-cdn.com/s/files/1/0257/0351/4163/products/il_570xN.1723312095_a43h_large.jpg",
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          "small": "https://example-cdn.com/s/files/1/0257/0351/4163/products/il_570xN.1723312095_a43h_small.jpg"
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            "name": "Color",
            "value": "Blue"
        "purchase_item_type": "subscription",
        "quantity": 1,
        "sku": "TOM0001",
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        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.9931",
            "rate": "0.0725",
            "title": "CA State Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.3310"
            "price": "0.3082",
            "rate": "0.0225",
            "title": "LA County Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.1027"
        "taxable": true,
        "taxable_amount": "10.00",
        "title": "Shirt package",
        "total_price": "11.30",
        "unit_price": "10.00",
        "unit_price_includes_tax": false,
        "variant_title": "Blue T-shirt"
    "note": "next order in sequence 3",
    "order_attributes": [
        "name": "Checkout-Method",
        "value": "delivery"
    "orders_count": 1,
    "payment_processor": "stripe",
    "processed_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:31+00:00",
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      "address1": "1030 Barnum Ave",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
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      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Fake First",
      "last_name": "Fake Last",
      "phone": "999-999-9999",
      "province": "Connecticut",
      "zip": "06614"
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        "code": "Standard",
        "price": "4.90",
        "source": "shopify",
        "taxable": true,
        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.355",
            "rate": 0.0725,
            "title": "CA State Tax"
            "price": "0.110",
            "rate": 0.0225,
            "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
        "title": "Standard"
    "status": "refunded",
    "subtotal_price": "10.00",
    "tags": "Subscription, Subscription Recurring Order",
    "tax_lines": [
        "price": "0.950",
        "rate": 0.0725,
        "title": "CA State Tax"
        "price": "0.335",
        "rate": 0.0225,
        "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
    "taxable": true,
    "total_discounts": "10.0",
    "total_line_items_price": "10.00",
    "total_price": "11.29",
    "total_refunds": "11.29",
    "total_tax": "1.29",
    "total_weight_grams": 454,
    "type": "recurring",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"

Process a charge

Pro only

The charge processing route can be used to process Charges that are in a queued or error status.

Related guides: Charges FAQ

The /charges/{id}/process endpoint is available to Recharge Pro merchants on a request basis. If you’re interested in leveraging the Recharge Charge processing API, reach out to your account manager or our Support team.
Learn more about Recharge Pro.

Scopes: write_payments
  • 200

    successful response

curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges/100714428/process' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Version: 2021-11' \ 
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
 -d '{}'
  "charge": {
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    "address_id": 42171447,
    "analytics_data": {
      "utm_params": [
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          "utm_medium": "cpc"
    "billing_address": {
      "address1": "601 SW Washing St.",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
      "city": "Portland",
      "company": "Acme Corp",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Jane",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "phone": "888-888-8888",
      "province": "Oregon",
      "zip": "97205"
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        "tax_lines": [
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            "rate": "0.0725",
            "title": "CA State Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.3310"
            "price": "0.3082",
            "rate": "0.0225",
            "title": "LA County Tax",
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    "note": "next order in sequence 3",
    "order_attributes": [
        "name": "Checkout-Method",
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      "address1": "1030 Barnum Ave",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
      "city": "Stratford",
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      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Fake First",
      "last_name": "Fake Last",
      "phone": "999-999-9999",
      "province": "Connecticut",
      "zip": "06614"
    "shipping_lines": [
        "code": "Standard",
        "price": "4.90",
        "source": "shopify",
        "taxable": true,
        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.355",
            "rate": 0.0725,
            "title": "CA State Tax"
            "price": "0.110",
            "rate": 0.0225,
            "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
        "title": "Standard"
    "status": "success",
    "subtotal_price": "10.00",
    "tags": "Subscription, Subscription Recurring Order",
    "tax_lines": [
        "price": "0.950",
        "rate": 0.0725,
        "title": "CA State Tax"
        "price": "0.335",
        "rate": 0.0225,
        "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
    "taxable": true,
    "total_discounts": "10.0",
    "total_line_items_price": "10.00",
    "total_price": "11.29",
    "total_refunds": "0.00",
    "total_tax": "1.29",
    "total_weight_grams": 454,
    "type": "recurring",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"

Capture a charge

If you are leveraging the authorize/capture workflow with Recharge, the charge/{id}/capture_payment endpoint is how to capture the funds of a previously authorized Charge.

Capture Window

You can only capture payment on Charges that have been authorized within the last 7 days. This is a limitation of payment providers/financial institutions and Recharge cannot configure or override this limit. Any Charges that are attempted to be captured beyond that 7 day window may result in an error indicating the Charge cannot be captured.

As a result, Recharge provides a charge/uncaptured Webhook. If subscribed, this Webhook will notify you of any Charges that are not captured 6 days after authorization. Please refer to the webhooks section for more information.

The /charges/{id}/capture_payment endpoint is available to Recharge Pro merchants in the Recharge Closed Beta group. If you’re interested in leveraging the Recharge capture_payment endpoint, reach out to your account manager or our Support team.
Learn more about Recharge Pro.

Scopes: write_customers write_orders write_payment_methods write_subscriptions
  • 200

    Charge captured successfully

  • 400

    Bad Request

  • 404

    Not Found

  • 422


curl 'https://api.rechargeapps.com/charges/100714428/capture_payment' \ 
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 -H 'X-Recharge-Access-Token: your_api_token' \ 
 -d '{}'
  "charge": {
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    "address_id": 42171447,
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      "utm_params": [
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          "utm_medium": "cpc"
    "billing_address": {
      "address1": "601 SW Washing St.",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
      "city": "Portland",
      "company": "Acme Corp",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Jane",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "phone": "888-888-8888",
      "province": "Oregon",
      "zip": "97205"
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      "user_agent": "safari webkit"
    "created_at": "2021-11-09T19:22:13+00:00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "customer": {
      "id": 37657002,
      "email": "test@test.com",
      "external_customer_id": {
        "ecommerce": "2879413682227"
      "hash": "7e706455cbd13e40"
    "discounts": [
        "id": 12345,
        "code": "TESTCODE10",
        "value": 10,
        "value_type": "fixed_amount"
    "error": null,
    "error_type": null,
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      "ecommerce": "2541635698739"
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      "payment_processor": "ch_1HzWElJ2zqHvZRd1TWKFFqDR"
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            "price": "0.9931",
            "rate": "0.0725",
            "title": "CA State Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.3310"
            "price": "0.3082",
            "rate": "0.0225",
            "title": "LA County Tax",
            "unit_price": "0.1027"
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        "taxable_amount": "10.00",
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        "unit_price": "10.00",
        "unit_price_includes_tax": false,
        "variant_title": "Blue T-shirt"
    "note": "next order in sequence 3",
    "order_attributes": [
        "name": "Checkout-Method",
        "value": "delivery"
    "orders_count": 1,
    "payment_processor": "stripe",
    "processed_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:31+00:00",
    "retry_date": null,
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    "shipping_address": {
      "address1": "1030 Barnum Ave",
      "address2": "Suite 101",
      "city": "Stratford",
      "company": "Fake Company",
      "country_code": "US",
      "first_name": "Fake First",
      "last_name": "Fake Last",
      "phone": "999-999-9999",
      "province": "Connecticut",
      "zip": "06614"
    "shipping_lines": [
        "code": "Standard",
        "price": "4.90",
        "source": "shopify",
        "taxable": true,
        "tax_lines": [
            "price": "0.355",
            "rate": 0.0725,
            "title": "CA State Tax"
            "price": "0.110",
            "rate": 0.0225,
            "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
        "title": "Standard"
    "status": "success",
    "subtotal_price": "10.00",
    "tags": "Subscription, Subscription Recurring Order",
    "tax_lines": [
        "price": "0.950",
        "rate": 0.0725,
        "title": "CA State Tax"
        "price": "0.335",
        "rate": 0.0225,
        "title": "Los Angeles  County Tax"
    "taxable": true,
    "total_discounts": "10.0",
    "total_line_items_price": "10.00",
    "total_price": "11.29",
    "total_refunds": "0.00",
    "total_tax": "1.29",
    "total_weight_grams": 454,
    "type": "recurring",
    "updated_at": "2021-11-09T23:59:32+00:00"


Checkouts allow you to create, update, and process a Checkout programmatically. Shipping cost and sales tax determination are automatic functions of the Recharge Checkout resource.

Related guides: Recharge checkout integrations, How to use the Checkout resource

Important - The Checkout endpoints are only available for BigCommerce and Custom. Checkouts on Shopify must go through Shopify.



Collections allow to create and manage a logical list of Products called a Collection. A Collection contains an ordered list of Products and can be used for selective display of Products on chosen interfaces or for business logic automation (e.g. Discounts definition…).




The Credit Account object represents a set of positive and negative credit adjustments that when summed equal an available balance. Credit accounts may not have negative balances. A credit account may be associated with a customer, via the customer_id attribute. A customer may be associated with many credit accounts.

A credit adjustment represents a financial adjustment to the balance of a Credit Account. An adjustment of type ‘credit’ results in an increase in the available balance of a credit account, where an adjustment of type ‘debit’ results in a decrease.

Access to the Credits endpoints are only available for merchants using Retain.



The Customer object holds account information. Email is unique on the Customer; no two customers for a store can have the same email. Address is a child of the Customer object. There can be many child Addresses on a customer, but only one parent Customer per Address.



Discounts can be applied to a Checkout, or can be applied directly to an Address. Depending on configuration they allow for single use, or recurring discounts. More details on how to add or remove discounts from an Address can be found at Update an address.

Often discounts can be used in combination with webhooks, such that when a specific event occurs, it can apply a discount dependent on custom business logic.

There are various options that can be utilized for discounts such as minimum price, single use, recurring for a set number of charges, or ongoing. You can also set the date from which time the discount will become applicable and when it can no longer be applied to a new subscription.



Metafields allow users to add additional information to other resources. They can be used for adding custom fields to objects, and are useful for storing specialized information.



The Customer Notifications resource is used to dispatch email notifications to customers within Recharge. The endpoint uses your configured Recharge email templates, and will dispatch an email to the address associated with the indicated customer_id. Some email templates require variable values, which are sent through the Customer Notifications resource via the template_vars attribute. See below examples for all available template types.



Onetimes represent non-recurring line items on a QUEUED Charge.



An order is created after a Charge is successfully processed. The Order contains all the same json data as the Charge. In case of a prepaid order creation, the order will be queued for a particular date and submitted on that date to the external platform.


Payment methods

The Payment Method object holds payment and billing information. A Customer may be associated with many Payment Methods, and an Addresses record must be associated with at least one Payment_method.

Important - If you see the following error when accessing Payment Methods endpoints: “You do not have sufficient permissions (scopes) for this object”, the token you are using has not been configured with correct access permissions. Update the token to have “Read access” or “Read and Write access” depending on your use case.



The Plans resource is used to create and configure the transactional options for the Product (subscription, prepaid, and onetime purchase options) in Recharge.



Representation of the Products from your catalog in Recharge.


Retention Strategies

Retention Strategies are customer retention workflows that are used to win back customers who are in the process of canceling their subscription. The workflow is determined by the cancellation reason selected by the customer.



The store endpoint includes ReCharge settings and other store specific information.



Subscriptions are individual items a customer receives on a recurring basis.

A Subscription is a Product added to an Address.


Webhook endpoints

Webhooks are a mechanism for reacting to specific events that are triggered in the Recharge system.
For example, a checkout completion, a customer activation or subscription cancellation. Webhooks will deliver you the data of the specific event in real-time. This data can be used to custom code logic behind automated subscription management, dashboards creation, discounts applying…

When a webhook is triggered, the payload will be identical to the payload you would receive from another API endpoint.

For example, a webhook on subscription/created will be identical to the payload for retrieving a subscription by ID from the Recharge API.

There are a lot of things that can be done via Webhooks: It can be used to collect all kinds of data from our API and then create a custom Dashboard to show how much and when your customers are buying in real time, or use all this data to do Analytics of some kind in order to create a better customer experience. Webhooks can be used as a “Trigger” on your backend to update subscription products.

If you have some kind of a Subscription where you want to change the Product that the customer gets every month, you can do it by waiting for an order/created webhook on your backend, and when it fires you can make an API call to change the Product of that subscription or the next shipping date, etc.

Retries / Idempotency

Due to webhook retries, it’s possible that your application receives the same webhook more than once. Ensure idempotency of the webhook call by detecting such duplicates within your application.

Respond to a webhook

Your webhook acknowledges that it received data by sending a 200 OK response. Any response outside of the 200 range will let Recharge know that you didn’t receive your webhook. Recharge has implemented a 5 second time-out period. We wait 5 seconds, if our system doesn’t get a response in that period we consider that request as failed. Our system will try 20 times to send the same webhook over the next 2 days, if the request fails every time our system will delete this webhook. At this moment our system is logging those deleted webhooks.


Webhooks explained

Here you will find what specific action triggers a given webhook.

Address webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Customers enabled ( read_customer ).

Topic Explanation
address/created This will trigger when you create an address via API, or when you go through the checkout with a particular address for the first time with the same customer.
address/updated This will trigger when you update an address via API, or when you update the address via UI. It will also trigger whenever a subscription has been activated or cancelled.

Bundle webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Subscriptions enabled ( read_subscriptions ).

Topic Explanation
bundle_selection/created This will trigger when a new selection is created for a Bundle subscription.
bundle_selection/updated This will trigger when a Bundle Selection is succesfully updated.
bundle_selection/deleted This will trigger when a Bundle Selection is deleted.

Charge webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Orders enabled ( read_orders ).

Topic Explanation
charge/created This will trigger when a charge is created.
charge/failed This will trigger every time we try to process a charge and it fails due to various reasons (insufficient funds, invalid CC info, expired CC, etc.) on both API and UI.
charge/max_retries_reached This will trigger after we attempt to process a charge 8 times, and it failed every time due to various CC issues. This can be triggered on both UI (manually retry a charge 8 times and fail) and API.
charge/paid This will trigger when a charge is successfully processed, both manually via UI and automatic recurring charge. This will not trigger on the checkout itself.
charge/refunded This will trigger when a charge is successfully refunded, either partially or in full. It will fire if a charge has been refunded both manually via UI and through an API request.
charge/upcoming This will trigger X days before the upcoming charge is scheduled. The default is 3 days but your store specific setting can be verified on the Notification Settings page in the description of the Upcoming charge customer notification.
charge/updated This will trigger when applying a discount, a change to charge that recalculates shipping rates as well as if next_charge_date is updated on charge endpoint charges/<charge_id>/change_next_charge_date.
charge/deleted This will trigger when a subscription is cancelled and upcoming charges are deleted.

Checkout webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Orders enabled ( read-orders ).

Topic Explanation
checkout/created This will trigger when a checkout is successfully created.
checkout/completed Will be deprecated.
checkout/processed This will trigger when a checkout is successfully processed.
checkout/updated This will trigger when a checkout is successfully updated.

Customer webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Customers enabled ( read_customers ).

Topic Explanation
customer/activated This will trigger when you activate* a customer
* activating means that you have added a subscription to a customer who didn’t have an active subscription previously.
customer/created This will trigger when you create a customer via API or go through the checkout with a particular email address for a first time customer.
customer/deactivated This will trigger when the last subscription a customer had expires, so he no longer has ANY active subscriptions (which means there are no QUEUED charges/orders for this customer).
customer/payment_method_updated This will trigger only* when you update the payment_token from the UI
* We are working on triggering this when you do the update from the API as well.
customer/updated This will trigger when you update a customer via both API and UI.
customer/deleted This will trigger when you delete a customer via both API and UI.

Onetime webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Subscriptions enabled ( read_subscriptions ).

Topic Explanation
onetime/created This will trigger when you create a one time product via API.
onetime/deleted This will trigger when you delete a one time product via API.
onetime/updated This will trigger when you update a one time product via API.

Order webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Orders enabled ( read_orders ).

Topic Explanation
order/created This will trigger when an order is created (when a charge is successfully processed)
* In case of prepaid Orders there will be multiple order/created webhooks fired, one for every queued order created at once.
order/deleted This will trigger when an order is deleted.
order/processed This will trigger when the order is processed (when an order goes from status queued to status success). This will not trigger on checkout.
order/upcoming This will trigger X days before a QUEUED (prepaid) order is scheduled to be processed. The default is 3 days.
order/updated This will trigger when an order is updated.

Plan webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Products enabled ( read_products ).

Topic Explanation
plan/created This will trigger when a plan is created by one of the following methods: via API, via Merchant portal or when using the 2021-01 Products endpoint.
plan/deleted This will trigger when a plan is deleted by one of the following methods: via API, via Merchant portal or when using the 2021-01 Products endpoint.
plan/updated This will trigger when a plan is updated by one of the following methods: via API, via Merchant portal or when using the 2021-01 Products endpoint…

Subscription webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Subscriptions enabled ( read_subscriptions ).

Topic Explanation
subscription/activated This will trigger when you activate a subscription via API or UI.
subscription/cancelled This will trigger when you cancel a subscription via API or UI. An involuntary subscription cancelled due to max retries reached will only trigger the charge/max_retries_reached webhook and not the subscription/cancelled webhook.
subscription/created This will trigger when you create a subscription via API or when you go through the checkout on UI.
subscription/deleted This will trigger when you delete a subscription via API or UI.
subscription/skipped This will trigger when you skip a subscription within a charge, meaning that you only skip a particular subscription (the subscription_id you send in the body) in that charge if there are multiple subscriptions related to that charge.
subscription/unskipped This will trigger when you unskip a subscription within a charge, meaning you only unskip a particular subscription (the subscription_id you send in the body) in that charge if there are multiple subscriptions related to that charge.
subscription/updated This will trigger when you update a subscription via API (PUT method) or when you update the subscription via UI. This will also trigger when you update next charge date on Customer Portal, or when you change it using subscription endpoint subscriptions/ <subscription_id>set_next_charge_date.
subscription/swapped This will trigger when you swap a subscription product for a given address to a different product or product variation API or UI.
subscription/paused This will trigger when a customer pauses a subscription from within the customer portal.

Other webhooks

To use these webhooks your API Token must have read permissions for Store enabled ( read_store ).

Topic Explanation
app/uninstalled This will trigger when you uninstall OAuth app on your store.
recharge/uninstalled This will trigger when Recharge is uninstalled.
store/updated This will trigger when and update has been made to the store.

Webhook validation

Webhooks created through the API can be verified by calculating a digital signature. Each Webhook request includes an X-Recharge-Hmac-Sha256 header which is generated using the API Client Secret, along with the data sent in the request.

API Client Secret is not the same as your API token and it can be found at:
Recharge Dashboard—>Integrations—>API Tokens—>Click on your token
Edit API Token page will appear and there you will find API Client Secret

The request_body must be in JSON string format. Validation will fail even if one space is lost in process of JSON string generation.

Then use code similar to the example by adapting it to the programming language that you are using for your project.

Related guides: Example code for validating webhooks

Example Request:

Async batch Endpoints

The Async batches API can be used for processing large volumes of operations asynchronously, in order to reduce aggregate processing time and network traffic when interacting with many unique objects. For example, a user can leverage async_batches to create 1000 discounts with only 3 API requests.

As shown in the diagram below, the necessary steps to create and process a batch are:

1. Create an async_batch with the desired batch_type

2. Add tasks (individual operations) to your batch. You can add up to 1,000 tasks with each request, up to 10,000 tasks per batch.

3. Submit the batch for processing. Until a batch is submitted for processing, no tasks are attempted.

4. You may retrieve the batch to view progress details while it processes, or register for the async_batch/processed webhook to receive immediate notification of batch completion.

5. Page through the tasks in the batch to view results of each completed or failed task.

Related guides: Examples of Async batches


Async batch Tasks

Most commonly, the response from listing tasks on an async_batch id will be identical to the body of a singular request to standard Recharge API endpoints. However, in some instances there are variations from the standard list task response body. See below for examples corresponding to each batch_type.

Related guides: Examples of async batches


Token information

This resource allows a caller to inspect basic information regarding the token in use. It will only return a single object related to the calling token ( ie - a call with api_token.id=1 will only return information regarding api_token.id=1.



This resource allows a caller to inspect basic information regarding the staff accounts in the store.



This resource allows a caller to inspect recent events in the store.
